



Below is a copy of the Infobox_character template used for character profiles, with explainations of the various template fields.


| name =
| number = If more than one character has used this name this indicates which number it is.
| character_class = hero, villain, supnat (=supernatural), gl (=green lantern), supp (=supporting character)
| insignia_class = greenlanterncorps, indigotribe, orangelanterns, redlanterncorps, sinestrocorps, starsapphires
| image = Filename (name file after pagename)
| imagecaption = Text below profile image
| real_name = Character's real name (regular name used, e.g. Dick Grayson instead of Richard John Grayson)
| full_name = Character's full name including middle names and nickname (e.g. Richard John 'Dick' Grayson)
| status = Active, Retired, Deceased
| identity = Secret, Public
| aliases = Aliases used by the character including former identities.
| occupation =
| universe = Used to indicate the Universe belongs to. Universes currently in use for this field: New 52, Watchmen, The Wild Storm. Pre-Flashpoint characters are all automatically added to Original DC Universe.
| homeworld = Generally only used for alien characters.
| alien_race = Name of race (e.g. Kryptonian, Daxamite).
| space_sector = Generally only used for alien characters. Only use single number (e.g. 2414)
| space_sector_alt = Use for sector explanation or in case of more than one sector.
| sector_partner = Only used for Green Lanterns.
| place_of_birth =
| place_of_death =
| citizenship = Country of Citizenship
| marital_status = Married, Single, Widow, Widower
| known_relatives = Name of relatives
| base_of_operation = The character's base of operation ( e.g. [[Gotham City]] )
| group_affiliation = Name of any groups the character belongs to. Write name in brackets ( e.g. [[Justice League of America]] )
| gender = Male, Female, Other
| height = Height in feet and inches ( e.g. 6"5' )
| weight = Weight in lbs.
| eyes = Eye color
| hair = Hair color
| distinguishing_features = Distinguishing features not common for a character of this race.
| first_appearance = Name of comic that marks the character's first appearance in the following format: ''Title'' Vol. X #X (e.g. ''Justice League of America'' Vol. 2 #1).
If index available on link like this [ ''Justice League of America'' Vol. 2 #1]
If index available on the wiki link like this [[Justice League of America Vol. 2 1 | ''Justice League of America'' Vol. 2 #1]]
| creators = List the creators of the characters separated by comma.

| quote = self explanatory
| quote_by = who said the quote
| quote_from = issue / date quote from. If index available on the wiki link like this [[Justice League of America Vol. 2 1 | ''Justice League of America'' Vol. 2 #1]]

| overview = A short history of the character. Only a few paragraphs long.

| history = A more detailed history of the character.

| powers = A description of the character's powers and weapons.

| variants = Notable variations of the character, such as Elseworlds versions.

Blank template

When making a new character profile just copy the text in this box and paste it into the profile page and fill out the fields.

Fields that are not used are just left blank.


| name =
| number =
| character_class =
| insignia_class =
| image =
| imagecaption =
| real_name =
| full_name =
| status =
| identity =
| aliases =
| occupation =
| universe =
| homeworld =
| alien_race =
| space_sector =
| space_sector_alt =
| sector_partner =
| place_of_birth =
| place_of_death =
| citizenship =
| marital_status =
| known_relatives =
| base_of_operation =
| group_affiliation =
| former_group_affiliation =
| gender =
| height =
| weight =
| eyes =
| hair =
| distinguishing_features =
| first_appearance =
| creators =

| quote =
| quote_by =
| quote_from =

| overview =

| history =

| powers =

| variants =